District 19 Railroad Machinists for Dora!

Machinist Strong
2 min readMar 18, 2021


Dear Sisters and Brothers,

We are writing to you, member to member, in our experiences as the majority of General Chairmen of IAM Railroad District 19, to fully and unequivocally endorse Dora Cervantes for IAM General Secretary-Treasurer in the April 24 Grand Lodge Election.

We encourage every IAM member in District 19, in the Transportation Department and across our great union to keep our union strong by voting for Sister Dora for GST. She continues to admirably guide our union’s finances through these difficult times and ensure that we have every resource we need to represent our membership and grow our union.

Put simply, Sister Dora Cervantes has the strength, experience and integrity necessary to continue to serve as our union’s highest financial officer. She deserves your vote.

As our membership has dealt with extensive layoffs in the rail industry, Dora has provided access to the resources necessary to weather this crisis. The decisions of Sisters Dora and our Executive Council have kept us solvent and made it so that we will continue this path well into the future.

We are also discouraged by the lies the opposition campaign has spread about our union and Dora. This is not how any IAM member, especially one seeking such a high office in our union, should go about their business. It has become clear that this opposition candidate does not have the experience or temperament to serve our union or our membership as General Secretary-Treasurer.

Sisters and Brothers, let’s ring the bell by voting for Dora Cervantes for GST on Saturday, April 24, 2021. You can request an Absentee Ballot TODAY at goIAM.org/grand-lodge-elections.


Andrew Sandberg
District 19 General Chairman

Derrick Battle
District 19 General Chairman

Heath Jacobs
District 19 General Chairman

Josh Hartford
District 19 General Chairman

James Orwan
District 19 General Chairman

Kenny Krause
District 19 General Chairman

Juan Estrada
District 19 General Chairman

Follow the campaign on Facebook! @MachinistStrong2021

*Titles shown for identification purposes only. Not printed or distributed with union funds. Union campaign material is NOT to be distributed on official union resources, equipment and/or publications, including social media sites.



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